National Standards

All core subjects are supported by the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) developed by the College Board, and the American College Test (ACT), governed by ACT Inc.

National Standards

The Mathematics curriculum is aligned by grade and satisfies the National Standards and Principles for Mathematics Science Education Standards and is supported by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Principles & Standards for School Mathematics

National Standards

The Science curriculum is aligned by grade and satisfies the National Science Education Standards developed by the National Science Council supported by the National Science Teachers Association.

Next Generation Science Standards

Sciences curriculum

The English curriculum is aligned by grade and satisfies the National Standards for English supported by the Main English Teachers Group.

Standards for the English Language Arts

English curriculum

The Social Studies curriculum is aligned by grade and satisfies the National Standards for Social Studies supported by the National Council for Social Studies.

National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies

Social Studies